Our stats-visualizer provides multiple ways to put your desired game statistics into a relationship. Wether you want to show the income of the player during a period of time, his combat stats through neat visuals or the result of an ingame voting-system; our tool has it all. The 4 different diagram types are fully customizable and have an easy-to-use API.
Radar Chart
The radar chart is a lightweight custom mesh and lets you customize the used texture as well as the color. With our chart creator tool, you can generate a ready-to-use radar chart with a custom generated background mesh and automatically labeled axes.


The line graph comes with an integrated, fully customizable UI-Grid and has multiple uses. For one, it can be used as a plain line graph to show the trend of the presented values, for example the economy of several players. On the other hand it can be easily transformed into an area chart.
Bar Chart
The bar chart consists of a custom graphics component to ensure everything is in one place. Every bar can have its own color to maximize readability. Also, with our chart creator tool you create a background as well as automatically labeled axes.

Pie Chart

The pie chart is also a custom mesh which can be fully customized; from color to the used texture. This component also uses a custom mesh, which makes adding new values very easy. Every value is independently controllable to ensure you get the result you want.
All of our custom graphic components use normalized values between 0 and 1 for easier usage. Also, the chart creator tool included with our stats-visualizer supports all of the above chart types to make it even easier to create your custom chart. Every texture can be changed and some chart types have ready-to-use lightweight textures for transparency and marked values.