Alright, what can we tell about us? We are two computer science students currently based in Munich. Our goals are creating games that people would love to play, as well as strengthen the german gamedev-community. Snowveil Studio does everything gamedev-related, of course including making and playing our own games.

Stefan is the main game designer, project manager and composer. He also manages the blog posts, administrates the website as well as the social media accounts. In his freetime he binges YouTube videos, plays League of Legends and Smash with friends, and uses the time to learn everything that helps him with game development and gamedesign.
Kristin is the designer and main artist of Snowveil Studio. She also works on the website and helps with blogposts. For fun she tries her luck in electrical engineering aka soldering everything she can find together for stupid little projects. Moreover she likes to play bass and dancing.

Well that’s all there is to say about us, at least for now. If you want to get in touch with us, for discussion or feedback alike, you can either write us via our contact form or comment something on our blog posts; we would love to hear from you!